Mastering the Art of Getting Tasks Completed: 10 Things you MUST do as a Successful Entrepreneur

So what does it mean to be a busy entrepreneur?

Being an entrepreneur involves balancing high demands at work and home and that is no easy task. Juggling multiple responsibilities can feel overwhelming, but mastering task completion can transform chaos into clarity and inefficiency into effectiveness. Here we will provide practical strategies and relatable advice to help you streamline your task management, reclaim control over your time, and enhance your productivity.

Understanding the Challenge

The Overwhelm Factor

Juggling numerous responsibilities can be daunting. When faced with too many tasks, it’s easy to become overwhelmed, which can lead to a loss of focus and decreased productivity. It can be so tiring that we may neglect or distract our priorities by the mental tiredness of the things that need to get done.

Distractions Galore

Distractions—from phone notifications to unexpected home interruptions—can significantly derail your productivity. Managing these distractions is crucial to maintaining your focus. We will touch base further on what to do, nonetheless, is important to be aware of how a simple phone can derail you from your goals and stop you from achieving your maximum potential each day.

Procrastination Pitfalls

Procrastination often stems from a fear of failure, perfectionism, or a simple lack of motivation. I’ve been guilty of this one in particular. Not necessarily because I didn’t want to get things done, but more so, felt like do is not enough, not quality work to share, making it harder to finish it and deliver it. Overcoming procrastination is key to completing tasks effectively. this is why we will focus on how to combat this challenge.

Time Management Struggles

Now, let’s say you have the motivation and have the time to get your tasks done, Great! BUT! Without effective time management, tasks can pile up, making deadlines feel impossible to meet. Yes, Time management is one on the list of struggles and challenges in getting things done. Proper planning and scheduling are essential to staying on track.

Resource Constraints

Limited resources, whether it’s time, money, or manpower, can complicate task completion. Finding ways to maximize your resources can help you manage your workload more efficiently.

Now let’s dive into some of the Solutions to task management and how to.

Prioritize Like a Pro

notes on board to keep tasks under control
Learn to prioritize your time

The Eisenhower Matrix

The Eisenhower Matrix helps you prioritize tasks based on urgency and importance. Categorize tasks into:

  1. Urgent and Important: Address these immediately.
  2. Important but Not Urgent: Schedule these.
  3. Urgent but Not Important: Delegate if possible.
  4. Not Urgent and Not Important: Eliminate or minimize these.

The 80/20 Rule

The 80/20 Rule, or Pareto Principle, suggests that 80% of your results come from 20% of your efforts. Identify which tasks yield the greatest results and focus on them to improve efficiency.

Create a Strategic Plan

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Photo by Vlada Karpovich on

Set SMART Goals

SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. I live by this method of planning. Setting SMART goals provides clear direction and measurable outcomes. For instance, instead of a vague goal like “increase sales,” aim for “increase sales by 20% in the next quarter.”

As an idea, put in a peace of paper SMART and go through the list of what you’d like to see your business have, and how do you see it growing and accomplishing these Goals.

Break Down Goals

Going with the previous thought, large goals can be overwhelming. What can you do? Break them down into smaller, actionable steps. For example, if your goal is to launch a new product, steps might include market research, product design, marketing, and distribution. The more specific you get into your goals doesn’t matter how big they are, the easier will be to accomplish them and track your progress as well.

Use a Task Management System

Task management tools like Asana, Trello, or can help you track tasks and deadlines. These tools allow you to create to-do lists, set deadlines, assign tasks, and monitor progress. The one I use is Notion as it’s visually appealing, and customizable in all parts.

From the colors you want your theme to be, to the fonts and placement of each section. You can open as many pages as you want, I mean you name it, Notion has it all. I have been satisfied with Notion for years.

If you want to check it out, click here.

Master Time Management

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Time Blocking Your Day

The Pomodoro Technique

The Pomodoro Technique involves working in focused intervals (usually 25 minutes) followed by a 5-minute break. After four intervals, take a longer break (15-30 minutes). This method helps maintain focus and prevents burnout.

The main reason it works, it’s because it gives your brain some time to breathe, to break from the mental focus and to gather again energy to continue focusing. Giving yourself that break provides better retention and quality of work.

Time Blocking

Time blocking means scheduling specific blocks of time for particular tasks. For example, set aside 9-11 AM for client meetings and 2-4 PM for project work. This method ensures dedicated time for different activities.

This has been a game changer in my production per day, and a mental clearance as I know where I am and what I am supposed to be doing at all times.

I strongly suggest you try this method of time blocking as it will make an impact on your daily life. Knowing where you have to be and what you have to be doing gives you a sense of accomplishment, as well as creating a steady and organized routine.

Avoid Multitasking

Multitasking often leads to decreased productivity and errors. Focus on one task at a time to achieve better results and maintain quality. I used to be the type of person who would receive a call while sending an email and talking to someone in front of me.

To say the least, I was checking and marking my list finished, but getting everything WRONG!

Focusing on one thing at a time will help you accomplish your tasks with higher performance, fewer errors, and quicker and more satisfaction with your work quality. Wouldn’t you want that? Stop multitasking then!

Delegate and Outsource

Delegate Wisely

Not all tasks can and have to be done by you! Perhaps in a work environment where there is a team, you may be able to delegate. Identify tasks that can be delegated to team members with their skills in mind. Provide clear instructions and set expectations.

For example, if you’re working on a marketing campaign, delegate tasks like social media management or content creation to other people who may be better at it, which in turn means they will finish quicker.

Outsource When Necessary

For tasks outside your expertise or that are time-consuming, consider outsourcing. Freelancers or specialized agencies can handle tasks like graphic design, website development, or accounting.

Let the people that can you a better job do it and free you space in your time to do what you are good at.

Minimize Distractions

laptop on a wooden desk
A clean workspace will help you achieve more

Create a Dedicated Workspace

A dedicated workspace helps separate work from personal life. Ensure your workspace is organized, comfortable, and free from distractions, especially if you work from home.

Perhaps move your workspace further away from seating areas or family rooms, where you may be prone to seating and relaxing instead of working. Remove anything that may drift your eyes or brain from your responsibilities.

The cleaner and emptier your workspace is, the faster you will get things done.

Use Technology Wisely

Turn off non-essential notifications on your phone and computer. Use website blockers to prevent access to distracting sites and stay focused on your work. Mute your notifications and disable apps that could potentially distract you.

It may sound a little too much, but Technology has become a huge distraction! Take control of your time but limiting the time THEY ( notifications) can reach you.


Set Boundaries

Another one that we often overlook is the boundaries we set with our families and friends. Did you ever think that not setting boundaries could interrupt your ability to finish your tasks?

Most people don’t even consider it a problem, but as advice, Communicate your work hours and availability to family and friends. Setting clear boundaries minimizes interruptions and allows you to concentrate on tasks. It’s respecting your time and theirs, so everyone is on the same page about when we can talk and for how long.

Stay Organized

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Stay organized and clean in all aspects of your life

Keep a Clean Workspace

A cluttered workspace can lead to a cluttered mind. Keep your workspace organized and free from unnecessary items to improve focus and efficiency. This goes with the tip earlier, to have everything clean around your space of work.

But you might as well take it with everything else you do, and become an organised freak, this provides you more control in all aspects of your life, and certainly when it comes to getting things done.

Use Organizational Tools

Utilize tools like calendars, planners, and to-do lists to track tasks and deadlines. Digital tools like Google Calendar or Microsoft Outlook can help manage your schedule effectively.

Combine some of these organizational tools with other tips in this article like timeblocking. Have your entire schedule in your phone calendar and change it as necessary, but for the most part, use something that you can quickly edit and change.

Develop Routines

This is by far one of my favorite things to create, Routines!! Establishing daily routines can improve efficiency and reduce decision fatigue. For example, create a morning routine that includes planning your day and setting priorities.

In my daily routine, I have time to read, journal, exercise, meditate and brainstorm for my day. Planning my expectations for the day and what needs to be done.

Implement Effective Communication

Clear Instructions

Tasks at times don’t involve just us, but doing them at work as well. When delegating tasks, provide clear and detailed instructions. Ensure your team understands the goals, deadlines, and expectations to avoid confusion and inefficiencies. This one is more on other people depending on you and everyone working as a team to get things done.

Regular Check-Ins

Schedule regular check-ins with your team to monitor progress, address issues, and provide feedback. This helps keep everyone on track and motivated. There is nothing better than having a well-organized and efficient boss who knows what they are doing and how to help other team members too.

Use Collaborative Tools

Collaborative tools like Slack, Microsoft Teams, and Zoom facilitate communication and coordination. Use these tools to share updates, brainstorm ideas, and work together effectively.

Focus on Self-Care

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Self care should be part of your Routine

Get Enough Sleep

Adequate sleep is crucial for cognitive function and overall health. Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep per night to stay refreshed and alert. This is especially true if you want to be able to focus correctly the next day. It should be at the top of your priorities.

Exercise Regularly

We all know how important is to exercise, why? Regular exercise boosts energy levels, reduces stress, and improves concentration. Incorporate physical activity into your daily routine, even if it’s just a short walk.

You have plenty of options when it comes to exercising, as weight lighting, cardio, yoga, pilates and much more are all considered necessary exercises and movements.

This self-care should be at the top of your priorities for better performance and higher productivity.

Eat Healthily

Who doesn’t like to eat? I know, we are all guilty of eating the wrong things, but a balanced diet supports cognitive function and well-being. Eat nutritious meals and stay hydrated to maintain energy levels throughout the day.

Again, all these are must-do’s in daily routines to improve our lives.

Take Breaks

Regular breaks prevent burnout and maintain productivity. Use breaks to relax, stretch, or engage in enjoyable activities. Go back to the Pomodoro Method for a better technique, but creating a time block that is dedicated to taking breaks is a must!

Reflect and Adjust

Evaluate Your Progress

Periodically assess your progress towards goals. Identify what’s working well and what needs improvement to stay on track. As a habit, create a time every week to reflect on the things that need to be adjusted, and at the end of the month allocate time to reflect on your performance with your goals.

This helps you stay on track!

Adjust Your Strategies

Based on your evaluation, adjust your strategies as needed. Be flexible and willing to change your approach if something isn’t working. Remember this is a trial and error; you can erase and start over until you nail your goals.

Celebrate Achievements

Once you’ve achieved your goals Celebrate, no matter how small. Recognizing successes helps maintain motivation and encourages continued progress. Your small wins should be your biggest celebrations as it will motivate you to continue to the next level.

Don’t forget that!

Build a Support Network

people doing group hand cheer
Support is a foundation for success!

Seek Mentorship

Find a mentor who can offer guidance, advice, and support. A mentor provides valuable perspectives and helps navigate challenges.

Join Entrepreneurial Communities

Participate in entrepreneurial communities and networking events. Engaging with other entrepreneurs provides support, shares best practices, and opens opportunities for collaboration. Look up online network events, there should be plenty of options.

This one can make a difference.

Leverage Family Support

Communicate with your family about your business demands and seek their support. Sharing responsibilities and setting expectations creates a supportive environment at home.

Now, after all, mastering the art of getting tasks completed involves continuous improvement and adaptation. By prioritizing tasks, planning strategically, managing time effectively, and staying organized, you can enhance productivity and achieve your goals. Remember, it’s not about working harder but working smarter.

Implementing these strategies will help you navigate the demands of entrepreneurship and create a more balanced and productive life. Embrace the process, stay focused, and celebrate your progress as you work towards mastering the art of task completion.

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